Ep 23 - James Tennison

Ep. 23 - Interview with James Tennison
Danny Grant

Artist James Tennison talks with Danny about his experiences as a portrait artist, the benefits of working with an artist agency, painting Texas governors Ann Richards and Rick Perry, his desire to sell more work through galleries, and much more!


Evening Light on Bass Hall, 36 x 24, by James Tennison

Evening Light on Bass Hall, 36 x 24, by James Tennison

Marguerite, 40 x 30, by James Tennison

Marguerite, 40 x 30, by James Tennison

Lily, 14 x 11, by James Tennison

Lily, 14 x 11, by James Tennison

The Andalusian Horseman, 36 x 36, by James Tennison

The Andalusian Horseman, 36 x 36, by James Tennison

Beefmaster, 18 x 24, by James Tennison

Beefmaster, 18 x 24, by James Tennison

Lucius, 9 x 12, by James Tennison

Lucius, 9 x 12, by James Tennison

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